
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Last nights dream - Conan's battle

It started out in a very open area; something like you would see in a large concrete building used at fairs to hold the animals and overly large vegetables.  Concrete floor, concrete benches, concrete walls, and large “things” placed around the area.  Some distant family members were sitting in a circle near by talking and giggling.  They wanted me to come over but I was waiting for a friend who was just about to walk around the corner.  But my god did she look bad.   She looked as if she had gained about 200lbs.  “Bad day” she yelled as she then turned around to go back around the corner.  When she came back again she had gotten ride of about 100lbs or so.  I find out now that she had some sort of allergic reaction so we (still in this concrete building) look around for something that would help.  I knew of something, it was reddish, which would work. 

We get over to this bug station, which has boxes full of thousands of bugs of all different sizes.  The man standing there helped us look through the boxes.  When he found the bug we were looking for he took it out, held it over her hands, and then squeezed the juice out of it on these 3 red dots that were on her hand.  After she rubbed it in, what the hell, she was just fine. 

So of course now I move to another, completely different, part of a dream where I am now a guy.

We are walking down a school breezeway that is lined with stacks of book.  I have picked up a few books that I’m discussing with the people I’m walking with as we approach a stairway on the right.  Instead of turning right to walk down the stairs I jump off the ledge onto a desk of a professors where I then started to shake and turn his computer screen.  After a couple seconds I stop and start to walk away.  As I leave I started transforming into this small fuzz ball creature with long stick arms and legs.  There were lots of us, male and female.  It turned into a mating ritual where a female picked you, fused with you, then popped out a small baby fuzz ball.

After that endeavor, I transformed back into a person, this time looking kind of like Conan the barbarian; Large, not much clothing, long black hair, and very tall.  He was walking around, trying to put up his hair to get ready for a competition when he ran into his father.  They were have a broken family argument.  The father was trying to find out what was bothering Conan, why he was so upset with him.  Finally, when Conan would still not tell, his reflection in mirror came to life and started yelling at his father.  “its you, its all because of you.” The real Conan then interrupts to point out that his father had missed part of his hair while putting it up.

The competition then starts.  Many people enter a circular track that’s 2 stores surrounded by a very large octagon black fence.  Four rabbits are held in cages around the top floor of the rink.  The point of the game is to catch and somehow smash the rabbits.  Since there were four rabbits, which meant there could be four winners who went to the next round.  Conan’s archenemy was there, who looked like a really large Donkey Kong, about 3 times as large as Conan. 

The match began and Conan and Donkey Kong ignored the rabbits and went right for each other.  Donkey Kong eventually grabbed Conan from behind from around the chest.  Conan prepared to be slammed into the ground but instead Donkey Kong started to tickle him.

At this point I woke up frustrated because I hate tickling and I couldn’t get it to stop in the dream . . . .

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