
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Last Nights Dream - Zombies and Hedgehogs

First I saw myself.  The other me was staring back but there was nothing in her eyes, almost as if they were dead.  No expression, no movement, almost like something you would see in a scary movie.  Then I saw a row of children, all around the age of 7, standing in line in a WWII military base.  They all had uniforms on and their bodies facing away from me, but their heads were turned a quarter of the way back as if looking at something on my right.  Except one boy.  He had his head turned back farther and was looking straight at me, but his face was black, no features at all.  It look like someone had Sharpie Marker-ed over his in a photo, or his face had been cut off and there was nothing in his head.  The last thing I saw before I really starting dream was a door that was slightly open.  Everything was black except for the doorway, like standing in a dark room with a light on in the hallway.  A small face slowly leaned in the view of the doorway.  All black with no features.  Just a silhouette.  And then it slide back out of view.

It started off in a large, old, wooden mansion.  It was in the middle of a field that went on as far as you could see, touching the sky in the distance.  At first it was a game, us against the zombies, and then turned into a horror film.  I was in the body of a little girl, maybe 10-12 years old, and there were only a hand full of us left by the time it turned into a slaughter fest, horror movie, with us (the humans) losing.  I hide in the bathroom at the end of the hall on the 3rd floor.  Peering out around the old claw footed tub, I looked down the hallway.  The closet door, on the right, was where the zombie princess and her zombie body guard were closed in.  It was her room.  The door right next to it was where all the humans were hiding in (except me, for some reason, as a 10 year old, I went solo).  About another 25 - 30 feet down the hall way was the stair case.  I could hear the creaking of the other zombie minions, slowly coming up the stair case, over the bickering of the humans.

Then the zombie body guard and one of the large male humans both came out of their rooms at the same time and started bickering with each other.  I was very confused.  The bickering then turned into a wrestling match.  That was when I came out of my hiding spot to make it stop.  I seemed to be on the zombies side, trying to get the human off of him.  I kept yelling "Leave him alone!"  I just got pushed off of course being that I was a small girl.  At this point, the zombie minions were flooding the hallway and rooms, no longer slowly either, while the zombie princess arrogantly watch from the doorway of her room.  The only female in the grouped grabbed my arm and yanked me towards the bathroom window.  She broke the window and pushed me up and out as fast as she could, following shortly after me.  When we, somehow, climbed down the side of the house and made it some feet away, we turned and looked at the mansion.  She had been bitten.

We turned around and there was a huge complex of warehouses, all concrete, rusted metal, and broken dirty glass.  But by the time we got in the first warehouse there was only one of us.  A young woman in her 20's.  I was her now.  I couldn't tell if the little girl was gone and I was now the woman who had saved her or if that woman was gone and I was the little girl just 10 years or so later.  It didn't seem to matter though to me, I just started exploring around the maze like hallways.  The place was apparently owned/occupied by this older man who would do experiments on anyone who wondered there (which was apparently a lot of people including myself).  I met some strange looking people with strange things attached to them or following them.  This placed also seemed to be like a game; there were teams that would battle other teams.

One guy I ran into had two small spiny hedgehogs following him around.  One was yellow and the other a grayish blue.  The yellow one was very sweet and ran around on his own.  It kept coming to me wanting to be petted.  The grayish one on the other hand kept trying to bit me and was attached to the man by a leash, and the leash was sew into the mans arm.  I was annoyed with the stupid little man and his grayish hedgehog so I walked on.  But the yellow one kept following me, and there for the man and his grayish one followed too since they all belonged together.  A couple hallways later, after passing a room with men mixed with plants, I stopped.  At the end of the hallway was the man who owned the place.  He kept staring at me.  As I stared back, I had forgotten about the little man and his hedgehogs, and the gray one ran up and bit me!  I was very upset and started arguing with the little man.  The owner came down the hallway to break us up, and after seeing that the gray hedgehog did indeed bite me, the owner (with the wave of his hand?) killed the little man and the gray hedgehog, and let me keep the yellow one.

The owner then preceded to show me around the warehouses and shortly after I woke up . . .

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