
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Week Thirty - Casing

Instead of having the pages seen to their cover, I made 2 single signature books that fit inside a hard cover case that can be tied closed. Next time I would like to put a little bit of elastic inside the case to hold the books but so you could still remove them if you wanted.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Week Twenty Nine - Getting Fancy

Using a long stitch and a kettle stitch, I did a more decorative stitching on this book. This is my second attempt at curving the stitching. The template for this stitching gets abused during the making of the book and it takes forever but is well worth it in the end.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Week Twenty Eight - Joker

This book is all about it's cover. I wove together two different decorative papers then put a medium over it to make it more durable. The colors are perfect for the joker.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Week Twenty Seven - Experiment

This book is another version of my cereal box book that I have been working on. I'm trying to perfect this style of book. This time I put the decorative paper on the outside and the cereal box on the inside. I painted the outside with a gel medium to protect it and make it more durable. I created more of a design with the stitching as well. This book does not have tape around the edges of the cover but that may change later. I think I will make this my next sketch book to see how it uses.

On the inside I added marbled paper that I recently made in a class I took of Kathy Steinsberger's